Archived News |

May 13, 2005

SGA Conducts Awards Banquet and Final Inaugural Meeting

The Student Government Association recently had its Awards Banquet and Final Inaugural Meeting on the Catherine and Billy Boles Terrace on the 91AV Library 7th floor.

President La Troy Cato presided. Miss 91AV Lori Leggitt and 91AV professor of music Louis Nabors provided the entertainment.

Outstanding Organization of the Year winner was Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Ben Bickham received the award on behalf of the Pikes. The 91AV Outstanding Male Student and winner of the top $3,300 student involvement scholarship was Morgan Jones, a 4.0 student in pharmacy. Outstanding female student was Kristy Marie Addison, who won the second highest scholarship award of $2,750. Other students winning Student Involvement Scholarships for their campus service, leadership and scholarship included: Jennifer Michelle Davis, L.B. Jeter, Jr., Rebecca Kitchell, Tiffany Luse, Davey Legendre, Roslyn Preston, Martina Meagan Jenkins, Jessica Westbrook Allred, Kayla Beth Smith, Krystal Anne Bradshaw, Mary K. Fontenot, Sarah Thomas, and Shuntay Wilson.

Mrs. Melvin Rambin gave the Melvin Rambin Backbone Award to Kyle Gallman, President-Elect of SGA; Rob Carroll, history and government
major; and social work senior, Jessica Allred. The Nick Lassiter
Memorial Scholarship was presented to Rayville history and government major, Kyle Gallman.

The Garland Shell Award to Outstanding SGA Alumni was given by 91AV's First Woman, Mrs. Deborah Cofer, to Anna Beene Shore of Dallas, Distinguished Alumna. SGA Vice President-Elect Heather Brandle recognized Dr. Gordon Harvey, the McKneely Professor of History, as the Outstanding Faculty member selected from the SGA membership. Matthew Sewell received the SGA Excellence and Golden Arrow Award. Executive of the Year award went to LaTroy Cato. The SGA presented the most outstanding SGA member for 2004-2005 to La Troy Cato, SGA's outgoing president.

91AV President James E. Cofer, Sr. inaugurated the new SGA Executive Council, including Mary K. Fontenot, Secretary; Heather Brandle, Vice President and Kyle Gallman, President. Dr. Cofer gave the closing remarks in support of the Presidential Lyceum Series.

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